Window Signage
Wall Graphics
Frosted Vinyl Logos
Gold Leaf Vinyl
Window Wraps
Wall Murals
Art Gallery Lettering
Wall Stenciling
Window Frosting
Vinyl Decals
Specialty Vinyl

Signs Visual is the choice for your gold leaf vinyl projects. We stock a variety of gold vinyl films including florentine gold leaf, hammered gold leaf, mirror-gold, satin gold, and standard gold. This type of application is very popular in luxury corporate settings and high-end retail. These type of vinyl graphics can be layered for a more antique effect.

Signs Visual Industries of NY | 1514 Broadway New York, NY 10036 | Tel. (212) 945-8706 | Tel. (646) 240-5724 |  Fax. (646) 530-8752 | E-mail: | E-mail: