Window Signage
Wall Graphics
Frosted Vinyl Logos
Gold Leaf Vinyl
Window Wraps
Wall Murals
Art Gallery Lettering
Wall Stenciling
Window Frosting
Vinyl Decals
Specialty Vinyl

Our window frosting applications are perfect for privacy banding and distraction marking in office and corporate environments as well as retail and storefront. We can fully frost your glass panels, or frost certain areas while leaving other areas clear. The frosted films we utilize are high quality brands including 3M Dusted Crystal, 3M Frosted Crystal, and Avery Etchmark Vinyl.

Signs Visual Industries of NY | 1514 Broadway New York, NY 10036 | Tel. (212) 945-8706 | Tel. (646) 240-5724 |  Fax. (646) 530-8752 | E-mail: | E-mail: